Before I met Michaella, I was burned out and fed up with getting in my own way. Despite working as a freelance copywriter and brand strategist for 5 years, I felt like a failure in business. My income had stalled well below my previous corporate salary, and when I wasn’t hunched over my computer 14 hours a day, I was watching Netflix on loop and trying to ignore my massive fear of the future.

I’ve always been a purpose-driven person, and I started my business so I could make good money doing what I loved. But after all that time becoming “known” for one thing, I secretly wanted to do something else. My heart wanted me to become a coach—but my inner critic made me feel sick at the thought. If I couldn’t feel confident and make good money doing something “proven”, how could I possibly succeed in this?

The moment I met Michaella, everything changed. First of all, she HEARD me. She let me speak and share my deepest, biggest dreams. She validated my heart with her very presence—and she didn’t buy into my bullshit at all. Not only did she see my authentic potential, she offered a concrete plan and powerful support system to help me achieve it.

Michaella's blend of business and life coaching was EXACTLY what I needed. Within a month, I had doubled my rates, offered my first coaching packages, and implemented her AH-MAY-ZING system for enrolling clients. (Believe me, as a high-integrity marketing person, I have zero tolerance for scamming and sleaze. The fact that I now have a sales process that aligns with my values is like manna from heaven for me.)

Our work together has been the biggest and best investment I've ever made in my business (which was really an investment in myself). Michaella offers tremendous insight and walks her talk 100%, serving deeply without compromising her own values and boundaries (which gives me permission to do the same). And I LOVE that she offers business support but always goes SO much deeper into mindset. She really will transform your life.

Speaking of which… These days, I am officially a coach (OMG), I have five-figure months on the regular (!!!), and best of all, I trust myself to move forward on the bigger picture of my life. Maybe that sounds squishy, but I can’t put a price on how amazing it feels to wake up with peace in my heart, alignment on my path, and support for whatever tough stuff comes up along the way. Thanks to Michaella, I’ve learned to love myself deeply and completely, not only in how I show up at work but how I show up to my life. I will be forever grateful for her energy, guidance, and helping me become the woman I know I can be.

- Elizabeth D, United States

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oneJune Mango® Design

A beautifully profound and expansive experience.

Having resigned my job, I needed to find out who I can be when I am not pushing myself to the depths of burnout.

During my breathwork session, I had this moment of clarity that it was time to reconnect in with my sacred feminine. As I slowly awaken this beautiful and graceful energy, I look forward to the relationship that I now allow myself to have with this part of me and how it may unfold in the next moment, the next day, the next year, my life.

I have deep gratitude to Michaella and the journey that her breathwork took me on. She holds the space in such a way that allows you to go where you need to go, feel what needs to be felt, release what needs to be released. She helps you be as vulnerable as you need to be without inhibition, without judgement and in a way that feels supportive, nurturing and held.

- Tina R - South Africa

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breathJune Mango® Design

Thank you for opening my mind to this very powerful healing technique.

I was skeptical about how breathing could bring about emotional experiences and healing. Boy was I surprised!  

The first breath work session was very emotional and a lot of things came up, of which the most pertinent was my divorce and my relationship and interaction with my ex-wife. I am actively working in a mindful manner to resolve this issue.

During the second session, I had a short glimpse of how peaceful, connected and at ease I felt with a reduced influence of my ego. Now I am hungry to investigate how I can be more mindful, less ego-driven and live in the now.

Thank you for opening my mind to this very powerful healing technique and for giving your time, energy and experience and guiding us through it in a loving and encouraging way.

- Aisie S - South Africa

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breathJune Mango® Design

One of the single most profound experiences of my life.

During a co-working retreat in Bali, Indonesia, Michaella organized a breathwork session for participants. I consider myself a skeptic and had very few expectations for the session, but oh boy... little did I know.

Michaella's session allowed us to release our problems, anxieties, pain, and tears in one beautiful shared moment. Her ability to create such a safe, intimate, and supportive space where 20 diverse people could feel comfortable to share such primal energy and emotion is a testament to both her heart and her passion for the well-being and growth of those around her.

As a 35-year-old professional living in Berlin, this was a massive shake-up from my corporate life and allowed me to work through very heavy personal challenges that I have dealt with this past year. It's one experience I'll never forget and I know I'll be reaping the benefits from this healing for years to come.

- Laurentiu A - England

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breathJune Mango® Design

You help me see a bigger version of myself.

I was listening to a speaker, Bonnie St. John, talk about people in our lives who help us to see a bigger version of ourselves. (Her story is amazing—she was the first African American woman to win Olympic winter medals in alpine skiing, and she did it with one leg.)

As she said this, I felt your hand on my shoulder. I even turned and expected to see you standing there. It was so real!

You see a bigger version of me. I just wanted to thank you and acknowledge you for that!

- Mary C - United States

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oneJune Mango® Design

My business is successfully expanding, and I continue to develop my own personal and professional capacity.  

Like many people starting off in business, my major challenge was to promote myself and to sell my coaching services to prospective clients. I needed to develop confidence and business marketing skills so I could talk about myself and my business easily and authentically.  

Working with Michaella and having her support made such a difference during this time of growth and change. For me, going though change is a very uncertain and unstable experience, and Michaella encouraged me to stretch beyond my ‘comfort’.  

As a result of our partnership, my business is successfully expanding and I continue to develop my own personal and professional capacity.  Thank you Michaella, I appreciate and highly value our great work together.

- Gaye K - Australia

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oneJune Mango® Design

Working with Michaella has changed and continues to change my life.

During the last 9 months, my life has been turned upside down—all in pursuit of what I truly want.

Michaella challenges me to love myself wholeheartedly. She encourages me to own my truth. Working with her serves me in a way that aligns me with my greatest good. This is not always easy, but it is worth it.

I have deepened my knowledge of self. I am clearer. I'm more kind and compassionate with myself, and thus I have more fruitful relationships in my life. I am turned on by all the possibilities in my life. Most importantly, I believe in myself beyond measure.

- Emily L - Canada

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oneJune Mango® Design

If you're suppressing a dream you thought would never be possible, or you’re just going through the motions of life, Michaella is the best investment you could make.

I've only just begun my coaching experience with Michaella but have already seen dramatic changes in my personal well-being, the decisions I make daily, and in the drive and determination I have in my business.

She has pushed me to clarity in my business, helping me to see that I can have the life I've always dreamed of. She tells me exactly what I know I need to do to be a happier, more fulfilled person.  

Michaella is honest and to the point, yet gentle and caring.  She doesn't hold back, yet seems to hold my hand along the way.  

Within the first 5 minutes of meeting Michaella, I felt like she could see into my soul and wanted the very best for me. She is truly transformational.  

- Sarah C - United States

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oneJune Mango® Design

I am happier and more settled than I have ever been!!

When I first started to work with Michaella, I was completely burnt out from my job and life in general. I had no direction, too many ideas, and was turning in circles—not to mention the immense feelings of ‘not enough’ that had followed me for a lifetime.

Michaella has such a gift. Her level of expertise mixed with her ability to read behind the ‘mask’ is unlike anything I have ever experienced.

Within six months, with support from Michaella and the amazing group of ladies she so skillfully put together, I am moving towards a new and exciting career. I am so confident in how to obtain the life I have always desired. The skills I’ve gained will follow me for a lifetime, as will Michaella’s loving, compassionate voice in my thoughts. And the friends I have made will be my tribe for life.

What can I say other than life-changing!

- Andrea H - Canada

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groupJune Mango® Design

I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Having the support, love and genuine care from this group has given me opportunities to try new things and grow my business in ways that I couldn’t imagine prior.

Before I’d wait for someone else to send me clients, and I was getting some doozies—clients who didn’t really want to change or wanted someone else to tell them how to do it. Now I go out and make connections with other people and bring them in myself.

About halfway through the CLM, I decided to walk away from a $13,000 partnership because I realized I was being kept in a box with my coaching. I could have done it, but it wouldn’t have been my best—and I want to do coaching that would change a person’s life.

Because of what I learned through the group (to trust myself, that I am enough, that I do have all of the answers I need, to grow my connection spiritually), I was able to walk away and not look back.

Imagine having a group holding and lifting you up whenever you felt down, encouraging you to try things out just to see, to follow where your heart in leading you. That’s what I got and I wouldn’t trade it in for anything.

- Destiny D - United States

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groupJune Mango® Design

My income has grown exponentially and with ease, but honestly that is the least spectacular part of my experience working with Michaella.

When I first met Michaella, I was earning way below my worth and struggling with many fears (including fear of success, fear of being seen and a general unknowing of exactly how to make my business successful). I entered CLM experience with a simple goal—to grow my business and make more money—and I got SO much more than that!

Within weeks I'd earned more than the cost of my investment (which was a flippin' big deal for me!), and I was growing in ways I had no idea were possible. At the end of six months, I fully understand what it is to be at peace with myself and my life, AND I did it all whilst traveling to beautiful places, spending time with amazing women (because Michaella has great taste in clients!) and having so much fun.

Now I have a business model that works for me, a way of working and being in the world that supports me to show up in the greatest way possible, and the confidence and inner knowing to actually DO IT. I have grown financially, emotionally and spiritually, and all of that growth has impacted my business, life and relationships in profound ways that are bringing me a lot of joy.

Working with Michaella has been one of the most fun, life-changing, completely amazing, magical things I've ever done for myself. I'd have to write ten pages to fully express this amazing experience.

- Lottie R - United States

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groupJune Mango® Design

Deep, intense, and life-altering.

I have been coaching with you for one year, and in that time my life has changed dramatically.

I am now fully self-employed in a career I love. My marriage has improved in ways I once never thought possible. Best of all, I am able to count on myself for support and succor.

The CLM experience took me out of my comfort zone repeatedly—but in a safe way. I found myself doing things that I have steadfastly avoided in the past, such as travelling and speaking in front of professionals at the highest level.

Working with 5 other ladies was so helpful in breaking down barriers around personal growth as we shared, explored, loved,  trusted, and shared some more. The group was also very thoughtfully put together. Each one of us was committed fully to the experience and was ready to show up as needed. (This was not the experience I have had in other groups.)

The best part about the CLM, was the permission, expressly and tacitly given, to love with all our hearts; to open ourselves, our hearts, and our spirits. For someone with an active mind such as mine, this was profound.

I recommend you to anyone who is ready to take the proverbial bull by the horns and dive deeply into themselves in order to create the life they want. I never thought I would get this far!

- Lynda H - Canada

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groupJune Mango® Design

A precious adventure I would live all over again if I could.

These past six months have been a 'Peak Experience': fun, challenging, surprising, loving, demanding, and memorable.

Of the 12 goals I set for myself at the outset of the program, I met or exceeded 10 of them. (The other two I recognized along the way as being unimportant.) These included inner goals like 'increase my confidence' and outer goals like 'earn enough money to take my family on a trip to somewhere warm for Christmas'. Check and check!

My income went up 30%—even more than I could conceive of as the farthest reach when I first signed up for the program. I learned techniques for bringing new clients into my practice, upped my game considerably as a coach and therapist that upped my game considerably, and moved a fair bit of my inner baggage out of my own way.

Going in, I had a strong sense that I would love it because I knew Michaella to be so good at what she does. What I did not anticipate is that now the program is officially finished, I have enough material and connection with my fellow CLMers to keep me on the path for many moons to come.  

- Johanna A - Canada

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groupJune Mango® Design

Joining this group has forever changed the trajectory of my life as a professional, a coach, a woman, a daughter, a sister, a partner and friend.

Before joining the CLM, I was struggling with my confidence and trust in myself. I had recently finished my health coaching certification program, and I wanted to create a successful coaching practice fast.  Little did I know, I needed to slow down.  

With the safety net of the CLM around me, I was able to create an awareness of what was no longer serving me, express gratitude and grief when appropriate, and begin to imagine and create a new way of being for myself. I learned a lot about wealth consciousness, mindset, leadership, coaching and self-mastery.  But the most important thing I learned about was about how and why I was keeping myself small, giving power to my fear, and keeping myself stuck.

What an incredible gift to be given six months to explore, learn and grow in the company of supportive and loving women on a similar path and journey as you.  The sense of love and community I felt from the women in my group allowed me to be courageous and try out new ways of doing and being in my life and with my work.  

I am a different person now, living a very different life than when I joined the CLM. I am softer and living with more ease. I have more confidence and trust my intuition more than ever.  I operate from a growth mindset more often than not. I am more adventurous. I am more easygoing with myself and others. I am enjoying my work and my life more, all while making more money in less time and having a greater impact with my business.  

- Katie C - United States

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groupJune Mango® Design